Tuesday 18 November 2008

18th Nov 2008

Today add maths paper is really killing!!!
Spm for this year is like up to standard.
Almost all papers are out of my expectation!
During the one and a half hour break
my friends and i went to ipoh chicken rice for lunch.
We waited for 30 minutes for that bowl of noodle!!
Wat a 'GOOD' service.
Mel and i went back to our exam station
15 minutes earlier before the paper starts.
We were chatting as usual.
Suddenly, one of the teacher incharge
call both of us into the main station.
We were frighten.
Lolx,we think too much!
Those teacher just want us
to witness that those papers are not open!
2 hour and 30 minutes i scribbled and scribbled!!
Have no time left to check my papers. Haiz...
After exam, my hand's muscle really sour!!